Firm Foundations

Firm Foundations

Firm Foundations Some followers of the Phoenix Quest appear to possess expertise in the building trade and offer ‘useful’ advice: ‘Expect the worst.’ ‘The timescales will overrun.’ ‘The budget will blow.’ Since these Doubting Thomases do not have access to a crystal...
Room with A View

Room with A View

Room with a View The feature photograph is not quite the Florentine view of E. M Forster’s River Arno and this post is not to be confused with that story, nor the 1980’s Merchant Ivory classic film adaptation of his Edwardian tale, A Room with a View. Of the ever...
Blue Sky Reality

Blue Sky Reality

Blue Sky Reality Today is one of those days of Blue Sky reality. The Blue Sky dreaming used to stretch my vision to a vanishing point; always drawing me towards the goal; always just out of reach of my fingertips. No more. After many years of imagining and several...
Three Cups of Tea

Three Cups of Tea

Somewhat belatedly, for those reasons life throws at you, here is the next instalment of the Phoenix Quest. It may seem a little incongruous to be recounting events which took place last summer, when the sky was blue and air was deliciously warm. All too quickly the...
Where to Start?

Where to Start?

Being a property development novice is both exciting and daunting.  Many a cautionary tale has been told on the subject.   An abundance of television programmes inform us of the pitfalls at every stage. Some developers focus on the grandeur of their scheme, paying no...